Happy Mothers Day

“God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers” was the proverb I learnt when I was at my secondary school level.  I clearly remember it till today. There may be thousands and hundreds of proverb to define mother however, from the child’s pure heart word mom itself is the greatest thought. Purest is the mom’s love, her care and her thoughts for her child. This feeling is incomparable. She is my best friend, first teacher and first love. It is said “A man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done”. Today Our Country Nepal is celebrating Mother’s day. Lots of sweet shop, lots of fruit shop must be busy. Every child from far and near is visiting their mom if they are away from home. Being in foreign land I miss all those sweet memories of celebration of mom’s day. Though for taking care and loving her we don’t need any day however, marking one day as mother’s day we want to give her the respect she truly deserves. I just want to say I love you mom for bringing me up to this wonderful world, to experience and explore all ups and downs and giving me courage to fight back all the  hurdles and for teaching me to love.

Wish you all Happy Mothers Day.