Vision Korea 2011; Problems and solution of Asian students studying in Korea

Vision Korea Project 2011 was organized together by Asia exchange association, Ministry of public administration and security and KINSA on 2011 12.18-22 at Seoul “Olympic Parktel”. The main objective of this project was to share and exchange ideas about the problems Asian students who are pursuing their studies here in Korea.

This kind of program is usually very progressive for interaction between different people from different countries. It was good platform for exchanging culture, perspective and sharing problems with each other. It is said positive thinking will create your future. In my personal opinion, it is one of the best ways to create a better future. Mostly Asian, countries have similar custom and values; however, there are few cultural differences. It was nice experience to know about their culture, language and perspective on the problems that foreign students are facing in Korea. Despite, of all the cultural difference, problems we are facing seemed to be more or less similar. 12 teams were designated to develop the proposal on the problem students are facing and how can we solve it. 2 days were given to us to prepare both proposal and power point presentation on it.

Along with the project we also had different activities like cultural show, kite flying, talent show and games.  Every team gave their best presentation on different topics (15 minutes). 4 judges from host organization evaluated the performance of each and every team. The best team was given first, second and third prizes. Our team 7 had 3 Korean students, 1 Chinese, 1 Indian and 1 Nepalese. We gave our presentation on housing problems foreign students are facing while residing in Korea during their study. We also proposed some suggestions, and solutions on how such problems can be solved. I am really happy to announce that our team “Team 7” was able to secure second position. I have also attached the culture performance representing Nepal. Further, in future I will update performances from different countries.